APLS is a leading emergency paediatric life support course designed to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective treatment and stabilisation of children with life threatening emergencies; to teach the practical procedures necessary to enable effective management of childhood emergencies.
The APLS course is delivered in the UK as a standard 2-day face-to-face course which includes an additional 1-day flexible online component (VLE). The course is run throughout the UK and overseas, cost varies across centres.
The online learning elements of the course deliver the knowledge components, preparing participants for the practical application of this knowledge during the face-to-face course.
This advanced paediatric life support programme is for those from a medical,nursing, ECP, ACP, ODP, RTO background for which APLS is relevant to their workingpractice. Physician’s Associates and Critical Care Practitioners for which APLS is relevant totheir working practice are eligible.
For prices & availability, please see the Course Bookings page.
This includes the cost of registration and the course materials (which are provided by ALSG).
CPD points are available for this course.